Monday, September 22, 2014

It's Like Riding a Bike

I fell off the blog band-wagon, but there are a few things I want to document so that I don't forget them.  And I realize that in a short five weeks, I will have even less time than I have now.  So I'm going to write some posts that need to be documented so that some day, a long time from now, I can remember how these things happened!

First off - way back in May, Daniel learned how to ride his bike with no training wheels!  He had asked us multiple times to take the training wheels off (after he saw the neighbor girl riding without hers), but we figured we needed to wait until we had a decent amount of time to work on it with him.  So we decided to do it over Memorial Day since we'd have three days instead of two like a usual weekend. 

David took the training wheels off, and within an hour, Daniel had it down!  David and I were kind of shocked (and of course proud!) that he learned so quickly.  He seemed so much older already!

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