Friday, August 29, 2014

Daniel in Kindergarten

Daniel started kindergarten on Monday. 

His teacher's name is Elise Rocco.  He has 21 kids in his class.  There are 14 kindergarten classes at his campus!  He goes from 8:00 to 3:00.  Right now, I'm taking and picking him up.  We had planned to have him ride the bus, but when we saw he would be picked up at 6:54 am and dropped off at 4:47 pm, we changed our minds.  That's a long time on the bus as well as a long day for a 5-6 year old.  We may still have him start riding in the mornings......we'll see what happens.  He has a daily music class, PE class, and recess.  He also has a short rest-time and daily snack.
He's been nothing but excited about school, so we expected it to go well.  It did!  When Katie and I picked him up after the first day, we went to Wendy's to celebrate with a frosty.  I was surprised to learn that he loved his music class that day.  (He doesn't usually like singing at home.)  He even sang all the parts of the "Willy the Worm" song that he could remember.  He told me that he learned that "you only need a dabble of glue, not a glob."   He also told me, "Mommy, there are no bullies at my school!  They're all nice!"  (We've read several books about what to do when there is bullying at school.)  As we were leaving Wendy's, he told me, "I think I felt my legs getting taller while I was at school.  Do I look taller?"  :)  He does seem older as I see him walking toward his class with his little backpack on - just like a big kid.   
Aunt Cristi and Uncle Brian had sent Daniel "The Kissing Hand" to read before his first day of school.  It's a sweet book about a little raccoon who is afraid to go to school, but his mother puts a kiss in the palm of his hand to bring to his cheek any time he needs reassurance.  Before Daniel left for his first day, I gave him a kissing hand.  That afternoon I asked him if he had to use it.  He said, "Yeah, one time........well, maybe a few times."  I asked when he used it.  He said, "Well, like two minutes after you left for sure."  He hasn't needed to use his kissing hand again though.  He absolutely loves school!
We're excited about all the new challenges he'll overcome, new friends he'll make, and new experiences he'll face.

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