Monday, June 9, 2014

Spilling the Beans

So we're not quite ready to tell people that we're pregnant. Especially people like our five year old son who would tell approximately 400 people in the first two days.

Unfortunately, we had a mishap.

Katie had to have a chest x-ray before her cardiology appointment. The x-ray tech wanted to take her back alone, which I knew probably wouldn't fly with Katie, but I said, "You can try!" Shortly after the door closed, I could hear Katie screaming her heart out. I waited and waited. The screaming was not quieting, so I knocked on the door to offer up her blankets. The x-ray tech said, "You can just come in too, as long as you're not pregnant." I said, "I actually am, but my husband's not. He'll go in."

The door shut behind David and Catherine, and Daniel and I stood alone in the hall. We had this conversation:

Daniel: Mommy, why did you say you were pregnant?
Me: Oh, I don't know.
Daniel: Mommy, are you pregnant?
Me: Well, you never know.
Daniel: So why did you say you were pregnant?
Me: You just never know when God is going to give you a baby.
Daniel: So did He give you another baby?
Me: I don't know.
Daniel: Then why couldn't you go in there?
Me: Because they do x-rays in there that have radiation.
Daniel: What's radiation?

Phew.....radiation.......a subject I can finally discuss!

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