Thursday, January 24, 2013

Catherine's First Birthday

Catherine turned one on January 9th.  The day of her actual birthday was pretty low-key.  We opened a few presents at the house.  She got two pairs of pajamas from Grandpa & Grandma; a See 'n' Say toy from Uncle Josh, Aunt Pam, & Bryson; a new dress, sweater, and jeans from Uncle Brian, Aunt Heather, and Henry; and two new shirts from Mommy & Daddy.

We celebrated her birthday with a small party on January 19th.  Abuelo & Abuela, Uncle Luis, Uncle Brian & Aunt Cristi, the Calvo family, and Ms. Marcy & Mr. Josh were all in attendance.  We had a chocolate birthday cake with vanilla frosting and polka dots.  She didn't even get scared or cry when we sang "happy  birthday!"  She got even more presents at the party - My Very Own Fairy Tale book from Abuelo & Abuela; a Barbie and a toy cell phone from Uncle Luis; clothes, a stuffed animal Llama Llama, and Llama Llama Red Pajama book from Aunt Cristi & Uncle Brian; a GloWorm and lots of new hair bows from the Calvo's; and a bow hanger from Ms. Marcy.  She liked her cake a lot and seemed to have fun with her new presents.  Unfortunately, she had a low-grade fever during the party (after effects of her 1-year shots), so she didn't feel great. 

At one, Catherine is walking everywhere, saying a few words (Mama, Dada, bye-bye, yeah), and happy as can be.  She loves to eat, though lately, she's been trying to show us that she doesn't like certain foods as much as others.  She likes to play little games like bopping Daddy on the nose and saying "bop!"  At her one-year check-up she weighed 18 lbs., 5 oz (9th %ile) and measured 29" (45th %ile).  I think she's skinny because she walks so much!

Catherine and I on her actual birthday

Catherine on her birthday

Family picture

1st Birthday Cake

1st Birthday Cake - can you tell she had a fever?!

Opening presents

All the kids at the party - this is the only shot we got of all of them together.  :)

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday to your sweet girl! She's absolutely lovely.
