Monday, June 25, 2012

Peach Orchard

On Saturday morning, David saw an ad in the paper for a peach orchard where you could pick your own peaches.  We thought it sounded like fun and jumped in the car to drive about 30 minutes to the farm.  It was really pretty out there, even though it was ridiculously hot.  We picked a half bushel of peaches and ate quite a few while we were there.  We had to make Daniel stop after two whole peaches in less than 15 minutes!  I froze most of them, and we made a peach pie with some of the others.  While peeling, slicing, and bagging peaches to freeze, I have never felt more like my mother.  It seems like my mom was always putting up a fruit or vegetable in the freezer, and I can remember watching her slice up peaches with juice all over her hands, being amazed that she didn't slice her fingers while working so quickly.  I hope that my kids will some day remember me in the same way.

1 comment:

  1. What a sweet memory to have while working. I often think of my grandma while I cook and hope I can live up to her good dishes! Mothers are amazing!
