Friday, May 11, 2012

4 Month Status

Catherine turned 4 months old on the 9th.  She's an amazing sleeper - especially compared to Daniel at this age.  She sleeps through the night about 2/3 of the time, and on other nights, she doesn't usually wake up until 4 or 5 am after going to sleep at 8 or 8:30 the night before.  Her naps are kind of sporadic.  I never really know how long they'll last (anywhere from 30 minutes to 3 hours), but she typically gets tired after being up for 1 1/2 to 2 hours.  She recently started playing with toys.  She reached out for her first toy (a giraffe taggie) on April 29th - 2 days after spending an entire day watching her more advanced (by 3 months) triplet friends.  She typically eats 5 times a day, though she'd probably be content with 4 times.  She doesn't cry a lot, but she does do this whiny noise when she wants to be held.  She loves to be held and rocked and patted.  She loves to watch Daniel.  She still loves to be in the bathtub.  She doesn't mind being passed to new adults, which is good because she's so stinkin' cute that a lot of people want to hold her!  She smiles a lot and coos, but she hasn't really laughed yet.  She rolls over from her tummy to her back and scootches around a lot in the crib.  Sometimes we find her clear on the other side from where we laid her down.  She's incredibly strong and can lift herself really high off her tummy.  She still won't take a bottle, and we've tried for about 6-8 weeks now.  Any suggestions?! 

She weighed in at 12 pounds, 6 ounces (22nd %ile) and measured 23 3/4 inches (30th %ile) at her appointment yesterday.  Her head circumference was 16.5 inches.  She screamed - I mean crazy screamed - the second I laid her down on the examining table.  Our pediatrician said, "You'll have to tell me later if she's got a good memory.  She sure seems to remember getting her shots here last time!" 

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