Tuesday, March 13, 2012

2 Months Old

Catherine had her 2-month check-up today. She weighed 10 lbs (24th %ile), measured 21.5 inches long (16th %ile), and her head circumference was 15.5 inches (60th %ile). She had one oral vaccine and three shots. Our pediatrician listened to her noisy breathing (due to laryngomalacia) some more and said she thought it might go away by 6 months. I hope so! I'm tired of all the strangers saying, "She sure sounds congested..." as if I'm not taking care of some terrible cold she has! If you haven't had the chance to meet our precious girl, she sounds like a cross between a goose and a pig when she breathes. Lovely!

Catherine has changed a lot this month. She is so much more alert than she was at one-month old. I don't have to wake her up to feed her any longer. She still likes to sleep though, and has had a handful of nights where she's only woken up once. She even slept through the night one time! She recently (within the last week) started smiling and cooing a lot more. She had only done those things sporadically earlier in the month. Her favorite thing to do is take a warm bath, and she typically cries when I take her out. She doesn't seem to like too much stimulation and can get overwhelmed after busy days, needing quiet time in the tub to regroup!

Here's my first caught-on-camera smile, taken today!

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