Thursday, December 8, 2011

Brown Sugar Bandit

Late this afternoon Daniel told me that he was feeling really tired and that he was going to go rest. He even put his pajamas on over his clothes, then went to his bedroom and shut the door. He does this sometimes, especially on days like today, when he didn't take a nap. No big deal. I stayed in the living room, folding laundry, and then started making dinner. Fifteen to twenty minutes later I still hadn't heard from him. Usually he only rests for 5-10 minutes, so I went to check on him, fully expecting to find him asleep in his bed.

What I actually found was him sitting in the middle of his bed with an open bag.....and fingers, face, and blankets covered in brown sugar. I wasn't even sure what to say at first! I managed, "What on earth are you doing?!" to which he replied, "I was hungry!" Yeah, right.....

I do think he actually intended to go rest in his room. What I had forgotten was that earlier today he had been playing "groceries," a game in which he loads up his truck with actual groceries, and he had left his grocery-filled truck in his room. Obviously he knows that he's not supposed to open the groceries, but I guess the temptation was too much behind closed doors.

New rule in the house - no opening the pantry for any purpose without a parent's permission. Ugh!

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