Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Farmer Daniel

Daniel has a farm. Well, Daniel thinks he has a farm.

In the weed-filled field behind our house, there is an area that Daniel thinks is his farm. It has many different purple and yellow flowers, and he likes to go check on it as often as he can. He goes to the same area each time and knows how to find it out there in the big field.

Usually David takes him on this excursion, but I went along yesterday because it was actually fairly cool out in the morning. He treats all those weeds like they're really his precious garden plants! He carefully steps over each plant to make sure he doesn't hurt any of the produce. He lifts the leaves to look for ripened vegetables or fruit. He pulls some of the flowers when he thinks that they're "ripe." He showed me how he puts the soil around the various plants. He talked about this year's crops - he's planted "squash, corn, melons, tomatoes, and wheat." He even asked me to carry around some of the "produce" as we checked other areas of the farm.

We had fun playing farmer!

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