Wednesday, May 11, 2011

What's that Smell?

David went to check on Daniel tonight after he'd been in bed about an hour. He came out and asked me, "What did you put in Daniel's room that smells so good? It smells like perfume or a candle or something." At first I thought it was a trap and that I would walk into a stinky pull-up situation, but I went to check anyway. I immediately recognized the smell of Daniel's wipes. I figured the wipe box had been left open, so I was feeling around in the dark to close it when I hear Daniel say, "No wipes." I turn on a light and put the pieces together of what took place after "lights out."

1. Daniel climbed out of his crib.
2. Daniel got his box of wipes from his changing table.
3. Daniel threw the box of wipes into his crib.
4. Daniel climbed back into his crib.
5. Daniel proceeded to empty the entire box of wipes, making some of them into "wormies" by wadding them up and throwing others behind his crib.

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