Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Mother's Day

A late Mother's Day post:

We spent Mother's Day weekend in Dallas with David's side of the family. We had a really good time at one of the outdoor malls in Allen on Saturday. This place was amazing! It had one of those water areas where the fountains spray up (my kid wouldn't be caught dead in there!), and it also had a huge sand area that was just like a beach. It even had buckets, shovels, etc. to play with. Daniel could have stayed there all day long. He loved it! He was buried in the sand up to his neck - literally. We met up with the Brady family while we were there too and got to spend some time with their adoable baby.

On Mother's Day, Aunt Cristi organized a brunch for Norma and I. She put all the men to work: cutting fruit, baking muffins, and making a yummy braid of sorts. Norma and I relaxed on the couch and watched everyone work. Thanks, Cristi! She was also sweet to help Daniel make a Mother's Day "card" for me with his handprints. Too cute! Daniel (and David) helped me enjoy a little shopping spree for my Mother's Day gift. Lots of fun! Enjoy the pics. :)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Birthday Switcheroo

Today we were playing with Daniel's piano. I was pinging out a few songs that he might know, and I ended up playing the "happy birthday" song.

Daniel: Is that the happy birthday song?
Me: Yeah.
Daniel: Is it my birthday song?
Me: Well, it's everyone's birthday song. We're going to sing it to Riley on Saturday.
Daniel: I want it to be my birthday. I want a cake.
Me: Your birthday will come in September.
Daniel: I want a cake before September!

(He proceeds to scream and cry, repeating this mantra.....)

(He finally settles down.....)

Daniel: I want it to be my birthday.
Me: Well, first we'll celebrate Riley's, then Mommy's, then Grandma's, then Grandpa's, and then Daniel's.
Daniel: I want to switch with you and I have your birthday and you have my birthday.
Me: Well, I promise to share some of my cake with you.
Daniel: Will Riley give me cake?
Me: Yes, I'm sure she'll share her cake with you.
Daniel: I want two pieces.

That child loves him some cake!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Enchiladas y Mas

So Daniel's been taking off his clothes after we put him down for a nap or bedtime. This wouldn't be a big deal, except that he also takes off his pull-up and has had quite a few accidents. He falls asleep naked, then wakes up screaming because he's wet. That's fun for everyone.....

The strange thing is - this process of getting naked in the crib - is known as "enchilada" to Daniel. As in, when we ask him, "What are you doing naked?" He consistently replies, "I'm an enchilada."

No idea where he comes up with this stuff.....

Monday, May 23, 2011

Figure 8's

We spent an hour outside this afternoon (in the upper 90s I might add) doing figure 8's on the trike. You see, Daniel found two large puddles - must have been someone's sprinkler drainage. The puddles were on either side of a street in our neighborhood. He went round and round through them - loving every second. He eventually got going too fast and tipped his trike, landing himself into the puddle. After a few tears, he was back on the trike, at it again. I had to drag him inside when his cheeks finally started getting red!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Good Morning!

Yesterday morning Daniel woke up, and I heard him yelling, "Go away, morning! Go away, morning! Go! Go!"

I guess he hasn't figured out that he can just close his eyes and go back to sleep if he's still tired. It's not like there's a demanding 2 1/2 year old begging him to get out of bed and make him breakfast! He is his mother's child.....

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

What's that Smell?

David went to check on Daniel tonight after he'd been in bed about an hour. He came out and asked me, "What did you put in Daniel's room that smells so good? It smells like perfume or a candle or something." At first I thought it was a trap and that I would walk into a stinky pull-up situation, but I went to check anyway. I immediately recognized the smell of Daniel's wipes. I figured the wipe box had been left open, so I was feeling around in the dark to close it when I hear Daniel say, "No wipes." I turn on a light and put the pieces together of what took place after "lights out."

1. Daniel climbed out of his crib.
2. Daniel got his box of wipes from his changing table.
3. Daniel threw the box of wipes into his crib.
4. Daniel climbed back into his crib.
5. Daniel proceeded to empty the entire box of wipes, making some of them into "wormies" by wadding them up and throwing others behind his crib.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

And then there were four...

We found out last night that we're expecting our second baby! We couldn't be more excited! I think the due date is somewhere around January 17, 2012. I called and made an appointment for my first prenatal visit which will happen 6-9-11. I'm excited for that day because I know my doctor will do an ultrasound, and I'll, hopefully, be able to see that everything looks okay. I read online that my new baby's heart will start beating this week. Yea!

It was a strange feeling to know that our family is now four. I can't wait to see how things turn out for all of us! Praise God for blessing us with another baby!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Climbing Monkey

Tonight Daniel threw a fit when Daddy was going to put him in his highchair for dinner. He wanted Mommy to do it. We've had this argument before.....anyway, we told him he could wait to eat until he was ready for Daddy to put him in his highchair. He paused a moment, then climbed into the highchair himself and sat down. He said, while giggling, "I got in my highchair myself!"

Then later tonight, we put him to bed in his crib without a bedtime story.....(long story).....anyway, he came waltzing back out into the living room about 5 minutes later. He sure did climb out of that crib! He proceeded to do it two more times before he got the picture that he'd just have to get right back in.

It's amazing what anger will push a kid to do! He's quite a little monkey! And we may be switching to a big-boy bed sooner than we thought.....

Thursday, May 5, 2011


No more poops in the potty. I think it might, literally, be another four months. Maybe not.....but it definitely wasn't today.

Daniel had to poop so badly tonight. He would come running up to me, shaking his hands frantically and whining, "I need to go poop!" So I'd get him on the potty. He'd sit there all of 1 minute and say, "I feel better now. I don't need to poop." We made at least 5 trips to the potty in this same manner with no results.

He went back to his "hold it until you have to" mode, and he made it. When I put his pull-up on him tonight after his bath, he started giggling excitedly as if to say, "I knew I could make it 'til the pull-up!" I put him to bed, checked on him 10 minutes later, and changed his pull-up. Bummer!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Gimme the News

David's been teaching Daniel some older rock songs.

Daniel's been singing:
"Doctor, doctor, gimme the news.
I have a bad case.
I love you!"

He's close!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


After four very long months of potty training, he did it. Daniel pooped in the potty today! Hooray! I realize anybody reading this that's not a mother is grossed out - and I apologize for that - but it's a big deal around here!

I wouldn't say that it's a done deal yet, but we're definitely on the right track now! He actually even did it twice today, but I think he really needed to go more, and he was just holding back because he's still a little freaked out about the whole idea.

Here's hoping that it's not another four months before we have a repeat performance!