Sunday, February 27, 2011


David: Daniel, when you grow up, do you want to be a priest or do you want to get married?
Daniel: I should not be a priest.
David: You don't want to be a priest?
Daniel: I should be a mouse instead.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Embarrassing Moment #1 of 518,923

Daniel and I stopped at the mall yesterday. On our way out to the car, he said (in his normal voice - no whispering here!), "Mommy, that man has a BIIIIIIG tummy! It's BIIIIIIIG!" while pointing to an overweight gentleman we had just passed. I didn't turn around, just kept right on walking - maybe a little faster. The man was talking with his wife, and I'm hoping that he didn't hear my tactless child!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Newest Little Catholic in Roswell

We went to Roswell last weekend to see our nephew (and godson!) baptized. He was such a champ - he didn't even cry when the priest poured water on his head! He looked so ridiculously cute in his baptismal outfit, but then again, he looked cute all weekend. He just learned to roll over from his tummy to his back and kept getting stuck on his tummy, a place he didn't like to be. We'd flip him back on his back, and he'd flip over again, making himself mad each time. It's hard to remember when Daniel was that little!

Daniel enjoyed playing with everyone. Aunt Pam & Uncle Josh have really cool toys at their house, so he's usually pretty happy. My sister also cooked amazing food all weekend - thanks, Pam! Daniel had fun going to the park with Grandma and playing ball with her and Baxter (the dog). He had his first donut with Grandpa (a pink frosted cake one) and loved it. He wanted a donut after every single meal and didn't let us forget it!

He worked the crowd with his newest jokes:

How do ducks learn to fly? - They just wing it! (courtesy of Aunt Cristi)

What is a duck's favorite snack? - Quackers! (that one's mine)

And his newest.....

How do you make a tissue dance? - Put a little boogie in it! (courtesy of Aunt Pam)

He was plain rotten for most of Sunday - he's not a good traveler - and threw several good-sized fits for everyone to see. Fun! Then we had the 5-hour trip ahead of us, which I thought would be miserable, but he did pretty well. We planned ahead to stop at a McDonald's in Snyder because they're one of the few places with play centers along that road. Daniel was so excited to go to "Old McDonald's" that he talked about it for a good hour and a half before we got there and kept asking, "Is this Snyder?" We finally got there, went in to use the potty, and came out to see them closing the play center! Are you kidding me???!!! I prepared for a meltdown......and Daniel actually handled it extremely well. We were so happy with him that we gave him a chupa chup when we got back in the car.

I'll add pics from the trip when I can!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A Million Bucks

David: Daniel, what would you do with a million dollars?
Daniel: I'd put it on the floor.
David: On the floor? Then what would you do with it?
Daniel: I'd vacuum it up.
David: Well, what would you buy with a million dollars?
Daniel: Just M&Ms, tips (chocolate covered raisins), cupcakes, and cake. Yeah.

Remind me to never give that child a million dollars.

Monday, February 14, 2011


I realize that I just posted a story about my son becoming a priest, but I have another Catholic triumph! He genuflected when we were leaving mass on Sunday. That may have been the cutest thing he's ever done and the most proud I've ever been during mass. I don't think you can understand until your own child does this - it's just the sweetest gift ever!

On a second note, that very same night he tried to say his bedtime prayers along with me for the first time. We always do the same prayers at night (hey, we're Catholic!), and he's actually learning them! I couldn't be prouder.

Now if he would just learn to poop on that darn potty - we'd be in business.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Patience is a Virtue

I don't remember what happened the other day, but I had a conversation with Daniel about patience. I'm remembering it now because we had a similar conversation today. I recall telling him that I'd "lost my patience," to which he replied, "Where is it?" I replied with something like "I don't know. I just have to find it again," to which he again asked, "Where is it?" And I said, "I think I have to pray for it." That ended the conversation, thankfully. That kid is asking a milliong questions, and we've reached the dreaded "why?" stage.

Anyway.....Today's dejavu:
Daniel: Mommy, are you happy?
Me: I'm fine, Daniel. I just lost my temper.
Daniel: Where is it?
Me: Well, it's just something I lost.
Daniel: Do you have to pray again?

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Ready, Aim, Fire!

So to bring you up to date on potty training, Daniel's halfway there! He can pee in the potty 90% of the time. Yea! He's still too stubborn to poop on the potty, but I'm sure we'll get there someday......

Anyway, Daniel's doing well with the #1 aspect of potty training. We've even managed to go on several big potties in public bathrooms with success. Today was not one of those days. While at the library for storytime, Daniel had to go to the bathroom. I took him in to the big stall and sat him down on the potty. I'm not sure how he's sat differently in the past, but there must have been some kind of difference because when he started to go, it started to spray all over me and him. It got on his underwear, his pants, the floor, the toilet, my sweater, and my hair. Lovely. I think we'll try sitting backwards next time because though I had brought him a change of clothes to the library, I had never even once thought about bringing a change of clothes for myself.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Nicene Creed

We were eating dinner after mass last night, and Daniel said, "Life from life. True God from true God. That's what Father Fred was saying at church." He was trying to quote the Nicene Creed (....light from light, true God from true God.....). How awesome is that?! He'll be a priest yet - unless he holds on to this garbage man fascination thing. Say some prayers!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Daniel was so excited about the snow on Tuesday morning. He's been in snow before, but I don't think he really remembers it. He was running around the living room, begging to go outside in the snow. So we put him out in the backyard, where we could safely watch him from the inside while eating our oatmeal. He lasted all of about 5 minutes before he was too cold. He tried again later in the day, and I think he made it up to 8 minutes.

The roads were terrible, but I still had to go to work. We slowly made it all the way to and from work, only to get stuck in our driveway on the way home - so close to the garage! I got out and attempted to shovel some of the snow and ice around the tires to get some traction. I got in the car, tried again - no success. I said, "Daniel, I think we're stuck!" He said, "Maybe you should try turning on the radio." I'm not sure he quite understood why the car was stuck.....