Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Grandma & the Sheikh

We had a good visit with Grandma last weekend. Grandpa was in Canada, fishing, so she made the 8-hour trip solo. We're so glad she did! A few of the highlights:

1) It was my mom's birthday on Sunday, so we celebrated with a lemon birthday cake. Daniel doesn't get sweets very often, so that was a big excitement for him. He didn't know what the white frosting was and kept saying that the "butter" was good.

2) Grandma brought the book "Little Brown Bear Loses his Clothes," and she may have read it about 10 times a day while she was here. I'm not sure what the fascination was, but this week Daniel's been running around saying, "to-whit to-whoo" like the owl in the book.

3) Grandma also brought Uncle Brian's old GI Joe tent. She thought he'd like to sit in there with his stuffed animals...his own little hideout spot. Turns out he liked to play with the sticks that made the tent frame a whole lot more, and the tent only stayed up about an hour. Instead we turned the sticks into drumsticks, vacuum cleaners, and weed whackers.

4) I'm not sure how this happened, but Grandma put a blanket over Daniel's head and started calling him "the sheikh of Arabic." He's been reenacting this all week too.

Unfortunately, Grandma had to go home Monday "to take care of Grandpa because he's lonely," in Daniel's words.

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