Thursday, December 19, 2013


Daniel came to get me just now and said he had a surprise to show me in the bathroom.

I was immediately concerned, but he assured me it was not in the toilet.

He had me close my eyes and led me to the bathroom.

"Open them!" he says. I open my eyes and see........nothing.

I say, "What's the surprise?"

He says, "It's behind here" as he opens the door a bit.

I still see nothing out of the ordinary, so I look at him, bewildered.

He says, "Well, I sure do know how to put a new roll of toilet paper on all by myself."

He was so proud! My future daughter-in-law owes me big time!

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Venture Out

I guess you could say we don't get out much. We definitely avoid taking the kids to restaurants, but the other night David had a work dinner at Abuelo's, and our whole family was invited.

As we were getting ready to go, I told Katie to put on her shoes so we could go out to eat. She said, "Go mass?" I told her, "No, we're not going to mass. We're going to a restaurant to eat." She didn't understand and kept asking, "Go mass?" over and over since that's apparently the only place we ever take her.

Then when we got to the restaurant, someone said something about a menu, and Daniel asked, "What's a menu?" My kid (whose vocabulary includes words like asteroid and tsunami) had never heard the word "menu!"

We need to get out more!