Monday, April 29, 2013

Future Comedian

Not long ago David taught Daniel a joke:
Why can't you hear a pterodactyl pee?
Because the "p" is silent!

Daniel has a new take on it:
Why can't you hear play doh pee?
Because the "h" is silent!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Catherine's 15 Month Update

Catherine turned 15 months old on April 9th.  She had a check-up last week and weighed in at 19 lbs., 13 oz. (8.69%ile) and measured 30.5" in length (52.36%ile).  She's grown a lot!  She's a sweet girl that likes to be silly.  She does goofy things like picking up things (blocks, clothes, etc.) with her mouth and bringing them to people.  She loves to be tickled and enjoys any physical kind of play.  She likes books now, but she's particular about which ones she'll read.  She still won't sit still for very long periods of time and is typically running around the house, creating one mess after another.  She loves to be outside and could spend quite a bit of time picking up the pebbles in front of our house and loading them into almost anything.  She wants to do everything that Daniel does and throws fits when she can't do things like ride his bike.  She's a little fussy with her eating, but she definitely enjoys eating and can put some food away!  Her favorite foods are bananas, cuties, peanut butter, oatmeal, green beans (with butter), broccoli (with cheese), carrots, and Asian food.  She really dislikes beans (of all kinds) and many other random veggies I try to get her to eat.  She doesn't say too many words yet, but she communicates fairly well with grunts, screams, gestures, and pointing.  She understands a lot of words and will follow directions fairly well.  She can also make quite a few animal sounds.  Her most recent additions are squirrel and snake.  :)  She's a tough girl and seems to always have some sort of bruise or cut on her face because she takes quite a few tumbles in her many adventures. 

A cardiology update: She saw her cardiologist on March 21st.  They did another echocardiogram and her VSD has not closed.  The doctor said that it's "close to moderate" in size and he doesn't see it trending toward closing.  He predicts that it won't close on its own and that we'll have to do some sort of surgery to close it.  Like my pediatrician reminded me though, "he's not God."  So....we'll see....for right now, we're just waiting.  She won't go back to the cardiologist until next March. 

Monday, April 8, 2013

I Smell Lies and Candy

So the Tuesday following Easter, Daniel was in his room doing his chores (making his bed, folding his pjs, etc.). He was in there quite awhile, but I'm busy, and I didn't make much of it..... He came out awhile later and was acting a little strange, just giggling and goofy. He got close to me, and I realized that he smelled like peanut butter. Our conversation went like this: Me: Why do you smell like peanut butter? Daniel: I don't know! Me: What did you eat with peanut butter? Daniel (with a sad look on his face): Candy. Me: One of the Reese's candies? Daniel: Yes. Me: That whole big Reese's egg in the yellow wrapper or a little tiny one? Daniel: The whole big egg. Me: Is that all you ate? Daniel: Yes. Me: Are you sure? Daniel: Yes. Me (sighing): OK, Daniel. You're not going to get any more sweets today because you've already eaten one. You know you're supposed to ask before you have sweets. Daniel: OK. Not five minutes later, we're in his room doing something, and I see, sticking out from under his bed, candy wrappers. Lots of candy wrappers. As in 8 candy wrappers. That child ate 3 Snickers, 4 Reese's peanut butter cups, 1 Reese's peanut butter egg, and a marshmallow bunny. When questioned, he promised that that was the whole stash. Then I proceeded to look on the other side of the bed, and I found two more Reese's peanut butter cup wrappers. That brings the grand total to ten pieces of candy in one day, as well as two big fat lies.