Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Baby Girl Update

Today I had my 32 week check-up appointment. I was measuring a little small - not sure how that's humanly possible as I'm gaining about a pound a week, but anyway - my doctor decided to do a quick ultrasound to ensure that my amniotic fluid levels were okay.

Everything looked perfectly normal - yay! Baby girl is weighing in at a whopping 4 lbs., 6 oz. Apparently that's at the 50th %ile for her gestational age, so I'm still hoping that she's going to be under 8 pounds when she's born!

The exciting news was that she has hair - lots of hair! I figured there was a good chance because Daniel came out with a full head, but you never know! I'm excited to put a bow on that head of hers!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Boys' Weekend

I spent this past weekend in Amarillo for my sister-in-law's baby shower. I left Daniel and David here at the house. In anticipation of the weekend, they had this conversation:

David: You know what this weekend is?
Daniel: What?
David (in a tough sounding, deep voice): It's boys' weekend!
Daniel: Yeah!
David (using that same voice): And what are we going to do on boys' weekend?!
Daniel: Play Candyland!

I don't think that's what David had in mind.....

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Daniel: Did God make Daddy?
Me: Yes. God made everybody, remember?
Daniel: Well, he didn't really make everybody.
Me: Yes, everyone!
Daniel: Who did he make first?
Me: Do you remember that story from your Bible? About who he made first? Who was the first man?
Daniel: Uncle Brian?

Not quite!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Daniel dressed up as a TTU football player for Halloween. This was really his first year to do the whole 'Halloween thing.' He absolutely loved it! We first went to a carnival at my work place where he got to play little games like bean bag toss - his definite favorite. There was even one of those inflatable slides. We convinced him to go down once, but that was enough for him. He won all kinds of good junk - food and prizes.

We then went trick-or-treating in our neighborhood. He did a good job of saying 'thank you' at all the houses, but we did have to remind him to say 'trick or treat!' Sometimes he would get confused and go up to an adult that wasn't handing out candy (like one with another trick-or-treater) and say "trick or treat!" The only thing he didn't like was one of the other kids we saw trick-or-treating who was dressed up in this black devilish costume with beady little red eyes. Daniel would steer clear of that kid and preferred to go to houses where that "monster" didn't go. We ended up with more candy than he has probably consumed in his entire first three years.