Monday, July 25, 2011


I felt the new baby move for the first time yesterday. It seems incredibly early to be able to feel that, especially considering I didn't feel Daniel move until after 20 weeks sometime. They say you can feel the second one sooner because you know what it feels like, and I guess they were right! I felt it move during church and again when I laid down in bed last night. That has to be my absolute favorite thing about being pregnant - ever. So amazing to know that something (someone!) is really in there, and I'm not just simply getting fat!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Abilene Zoo

We took our second ever trip to the Abilene Zoo this weekend when my mom was in town. Daniel enjoyed it quite a bit - much more than last time when he was more interested in watching the people than the animals. His favorites seemed to be the flamingos, giraffes, lions, and oddly enough, snakes, but none of the animals (even the giraffes you can feed!) came close in comparison to the zoo train. This hokey little train that could hold maybe ten people captured his heart like none else.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The New Bully in Town

Daniel's imaginary friend, Tacky, is sort of a bully. I guess my kid likes to play the part of the abused. Here are some of the things that Daniel says about Tacky:

*Tacky won't let me eat my snack.
*Tacky said that I couldn't go outside and play.
*Tacky hit me and scratched me and kicked me.
*Tacky said that I can't have any breakfast.
*Tacky won't let me up on the couch.

Daniel frequently asks me to intervene and tell Tacky, "No." Instead I've been trying to teach him to stand up to his imaginary friend. So I tell him things like, "Well, Tacky's supposed to be your friend. He's not supposed to boss you around all the time. Why don't you tell him that you'd like to go play outside and that he can join you if he wants?" I figure that will help him in the long run when a real bully picks on him! Or maybe he's just destined to be bullied.....

Sunday, July 10, 2011

This Day or Tomorrow?

Conversation during tonight's bath:

Daniel: Are we going to Ms. Sarah's today?
Me: Not today. Today we're just taking a bath and then going to bed. We'll go to Ms. Sarah's tomorrow though because I have to work.
Daniel: This day?
Me: No, not this day. Tomorrow.
Daniel: Is tomorrow this day?
Me: No. Today all we have left to do is bath and then bed. Then we'll go to sleep, and then it will be tomorrow. And we'll go to Ms. Sarah's.
Daniel: We'll go to sleep and then go to Ms. Sarah's this day?
Me: Well, not this day. It will be tomorrow when we go to Ms. Sarah's.
Daniel: Is it tomorrow already?
Me: No. It's today. It becomes tomorrow while you're sleeping at night.
Daniel: So are we going to Ms. Sarah's this day or not?

This went on and on for awhile. Though he couldn't understand the difference between today and tomorrow, I think he finally figured out when he would be going to the sitter's! The questions this kid asks are incessant!